The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are two integral parts of a human’s knee anatomy. These ligaments support your knee and ensure stability in movements. They also happen to be common places of injury in your knee, especially if you are an athlete. See an orthopedic doctor if you have lost stability and knee movements.
Injuries to either of the ligaments might produce a similar range of symptoms, but ACL and PCL are two varying ligaments with different functions. Let’s see what a tear in ACL and PCL means and how it affects your stability and movements.
Symptoms of ACL and PCL Tears
As mentioned above, the symptoms of injury to any ligament are often the same. The difference lies in the severity of these symptoms. Here’s what to watch out for if you have a knee injury.
ACL Tear
The Anterior Cruciate Ligament is comparatively weaker than its PCL counterpart and is thus likely to experience a complete tear. If your ACL breaks, you will hear a pop sound immediately as your knee gets injured. The damage can extend to the nearby tissues and ligaments, including the part of the knee that provides cushioning to the area where the thigh bone and shin bone connect. Here are the symptoms you will experience in an ACL tear:
- A pop sound due to the tear of the ACL ligament, accompanied by sharp pain in the knee
- Swollen knee (swelling usually occurs gradually, within 24 hours of the injury)
- Inability to keep the knee stable
- Limited movements
PCL Tear
Injury to the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is less common. PCL injuries involve partial tears and comparatively less pain than their ACL counterparts. Here are the symptoms:
- Limited movements
- Pain while walking and lifting weight
- Swelling in the knee
Diagnosis and Treatment of ACL and PCL Tear
Your healthcare provider will ask about the site of the injury, where exactly you can feel the pain, and any signs of inflammation. They will ask you to move, stand, sit, and perform other ranges of motion. They will further order imaging tests, like X-ray and MRI to determine the level of damage from the tear.
The treatment for ACL and PCL injury depends on the severity of the damage. For instance, if there’s a partial tear or a complete tear and how the injury has limited your movements. If it’s minor swelling and a slight stretch in the ligaments, you might feel better with RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). The doctor will advise physical therapy to restore your knee stability and the normal range of motion. In some cases, a surgical intervention is required. That’s when you have a complete tear.
Find the top sports injuries surgeon in Mumbai and schedule an appointment to discuss your symptoms and suitable treatment options. If you are not a good candidate for surgery, you can use a walking aid or a knee brace to regain your movements.
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