I am Rajesh Mahadevan, 49 years old. Had an ACL tear 15 years ago. Got it fixed on 25th Feb 2019. Operation was conducted at Currae hospital,Thane by Dr. Shailendra Patil. Very effectively done in less than 1 – 1/2 hours. The anaesthetist played Kishore Kumar songs using his mobile for me which was enjoyable. I was on my feet (with walker) the same day. I was discharged the next day and at home I was able move around with elbow-brace crutches. Physiotherapy started 3 days later at home and was done by Dr Sandeep twice a week initially and later on once a week. Persistent exercise inspite of pain is crucial to ensure you have good knee extension and flexion. In 3 weeks I was able to get rid of my crutches and started walking. In 6 weeks was able to drive car and climb stairs. Today 60 days later, it was my final checkup and I have very good knee flexion and extension. Though leg is still slightly stiff am walking 3 kms daily now and also driving my bike. Will be going for sports activity in the next couple of weeks. Thanks a lot. God bless.