Ligaments refer to the tissues that offer support and stability to your knee joint. Certain physical activities or sports that cause sudden twisting of these ligaments can lead to ligament injuries. These range from minor issues, like sprains to more severe and painful conditions, like torn ligaments or bone fractures. If you suspect a ligament injury, head to your nearest orthopedic hospital in Mumbai to get tested.
Symptoms of Knee Ligament Injuries
Here’s what people with a torn or injured knee ligaments might experience:
- Excruciating pain that gets worse during movement
- Swelling in the affected knee
- Instability
- A popping sound during an injury
- Inability to move your knee, bend it, or straighten it
- Bruising (suggesting internal bleeding)
The above symptoms are a sign that you may have sustained an ACL tear. It’s important to see a doctor for ligament injury treatment in Mumbai at the earliest.
Physical Examination Techniques
An orthopedic surgeon will evaluate your knee by conducting a physical examination. They will check for the signs of torn ACL, sprains, and other ligament injuries. Here’s what you can expect during your hospital visit.
i) Anterior Drawer Test:
The test is used to assess torn ACL and the severity of the tear. You’ll be asked to lie on your back on a table with your legs positioned at a 90-degree angle and your feet lying flat. The doctor will pull the leg forward. You might have a torn ACL if there’s excessive movement in the shinbone (it moves forward more than usual).
ii) Lachman Test:
This is another similar test in which you lie with your legs bent slightly. The doctor pulls your shinbone forward and notices its movement. Too much forward movement indicates a ligament tear.
iii) Pivot Shift Test:
A pivot shift test confirms a torn ACL. You lie on a flat surface with your legs straight and feet touching the floor. The doctor lifts your ankle and places valgus force on the knee. They will gently bend your knee, such that the lower leg is pushed inward. If there’s an ACL injury, the tibia will move forward.
Imaging Tests
Although physical tests are sufficient to detect ligament injuries, imaging tests are often used to confirm the diagnosis and detect the level of damage. The common imaging tests used for knee injuries include:
1) MRI:
It offers a complete view of the inside of your knee, including soft tissues. The test also shows torn ligaments and swelling.
2) X-rays:
An X-ray is mostly recommended for patients with broken bones, but it might not detect a torn ligament.
Knee Ligament Tear Treatment
Treatment for knee ligament injuries includes:
a) Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE):
This simple home remedy involves keeping your legs elevated, massaging the affected area with ice packs to reduce swelling, using compressions to achieve stability, and getting adequate rest.
b) Physical Therapy:
Therapy helps improve your joint flexibility and restores your normal range of motion.
c) Surgery:
A severe ligament tear may require surgery to fix it. Based on your symptoms and the severity of the injury, your doctor might recommend treatments ranging from home remedies and medication to surgical procedures.